Category:Dictionary A-Z
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Namibian Sign Language Dictionary This category uses the form New_Sign.
Pages in category "Dictionary A-Z"
The following 1,979 pages are in this category, out of 1,979 total.
- A4 page
- Abdomen
- About
- Above
- Abstract
- Abuse
- Academic
- Accept
- Accident
- Accommodation
- Accompany
- Account number
- Accountant
- Accumulation
- Achieve
- Acid
- Acquire
- Across
- Acrylic
- Actor
- Adaptation of plants
- Addition
- Adolescence
- Adult
- Advantage
- Aerobic respiration
- Aeroplane
- Afraid
- Africa
- Afternoon
- Against
- Aged
- Ageing couple
- Agree
- Agriculture
- Aim
- Aimless
- Air
- Air pollution
- Albino
- Alcohol
- Alcohol abuse
- Alimentary canal
- Allele
- Allergies
- Alveoli
- Always
- Amniotic fluid
- Amniotic sac
- Amphibians
- Anaemia
- Anaerobic respiration
- Anal fin
- Analysing
- Angle properties
- Angola
- Angry
- Animal cell
- Animal herding
- Animals
- Anniversary
- Announce
- Ant
- Anthrax
- Antibodies
- Antigens
- Antiretrovirals
- Antistatic
- Anus
- Aorta
- Aphids
- Appare fitting
- Appendix
- Apple
- Appointment
- Apricot
- April
- Aquaculture
- Aquarium
- Archery
- Architect
- Archive
- Area
- Argue
- Arid
- Arid conditions
- Arm
- Arteries
- Artficial insemination
- Arthropods
- Artichoke
- Artist
- Artrium
- Asparagus
- Assignment
- Assistant
- Athletics
- Atmosphere
- Atmospheric pressure
- Au gratin
- Audiologist
- August
- Aunt
- Autotrophic nutrition
- Average
- Avocado
- Award
- Awesome
- Awful
- Axe
- Baboon
- Baby
- Back
- Back pain
- Back ups
- Bacteria
- Bad
- Bail
- Bake blind
- Baking
- Bald
- Ball
- Banana
- Bank
- Bar graph
- Barometer
- Basin input
- Basket
- Basketball
- Bat
- Bath
- Bathroom
- Batminton
- Batter
- Battery cell
- Beaker
- Beans
- Bear
- Beard
- Beautiful
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Beef
- Beer
- Beetroot
- Beginning family
- Behind
- Beige
- Bible
- Bicycle
- Big
- Binomial system
- Binomials
- Bio-oil
- Biology
- Biomass
- Biosphere
- Bird
- Birds nest
- Birth
- Birthday
- Biscuit
- Bisector
- Black
- Bladder
- Blanket
- Blanket stitch
- Bleaching
- Bless
- Block and tackle
- Blood
- Blood group
- Blood preasure
- Blood sample
- Blood transfusion
- Blouse
- Blue
- Boars
- Boat
- Body building food
- Boiled egg
- Boiling
- Bones
- Book
- Boreholes
- Boring pests
- Boss
- Botany
- Both
- Box
- Boxing
- Boy
- Bracket
- Brain
- Branches
- Bread
- Break
- Breath
- Breeding cycles
- Brick
- Bring
- Broccoli
- Broilers
- Bronchiole
- Brooder
- Brother
- Brown
- Browning
- Brush
- Brussel sprouts
- Buffalo
- Build
- Bulb
- Bull
- Bump/crush
- Bunsen burner
- Bus
- But
- Butter
- Butterfly
- Butternut
- Button hole
- Buttons
- Cabbage
- Caesarian section
- Cake
- Cake flour
- Calculations
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Calf
- Camel
- Cameroon
- Camp
- Canary
- Canoeing
- Cap
- Capacity
- Capillaries
- Car
- Carbohydrates
- Card on payment
- Carding
- Career
- Carnivore
- Carpenter
- Carrot
- Carry
- Cash
- Cash on devlivery
- Cash with order
- Casserole
- Castration
- Cat
- Catch
- Caterpillar
- Cattle
- Cattle herder
- Cattle shed
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cell
- Cell membrane
- Cell wall
- Centering of words
- Cerebellum
- Certain
- Cervix
- Chain stitch
- Chair
- Chameleon
- Characteristics
- Charts
- Cheap
- Cheeks
- Cheetah
- Chef
- Chemical weed control
- Cheque
- Chicken
- Chicken coop
- Chief
- Child
- Child bearing or expanding family
- Child labour
- Children
- Chills
- Chin
- Chlorophyll
- Chloroplast
- Chocolate
- Cholesterol
- Choose
- Chopping
- Choux pastry
- Christian
- Christmas
- Chromosomes
- Churning
- Ciliated cells
- Circumference
- Classification
- Classroom
- Clavicle
- Clay soil
- Clean
- Cleaner
- Clear entry
- Clever
- Climate
- Climb
- Clock
- Cloning
- Clothing
- Clouds
- Cluster house
- Co-dominant genes
- Coarse sand
- Coating
- Coccyx
- Coffee
- Cold
- Collar
- Collar bone
- College
- Colon
- Colorectal cancer
- Colostrums
- Combing
- Come
- Commercial farming
- Common factor
- Common multiple
- Community
- Compare
- Compasses
- Complain
- Composite number
- Compost
- Computer
- Concentrate
- Conception
- Condensation
- Condensed milk
- Condenser
- Condom
- Conducting
- Confidence
- Confident
- Conformity
- Congo
- Congruence
- Connect
- Conservation
- Conservation farming
- Constipation
- Consumer
- Consumer behavior
- Consumer education
- Contagious
- Contaminate
- Contraceptives
- Contraction
- Convection
- Convenient food
- Convert
- Cook
- Copy
- Core houses
- Corn flour
- Coronary heart disease
- Correct
- Corruption
- Cost price
- Cotton
- Cotyledon
- Couch
- Country
- Court
- Cousin
- Cover
- Cow
- Cowpea mosaic virus
- Crab
- Cream
- Creaming
- Crease resistant
- Credit
- Credit account
- Credit card
- Crimson
- Crockery
- Crocodile
- Crop farming
- Crop protection
- Crop rotation
- Cross margin
- Cross stitch
- Crotons
- Crumb structure
- Cube number
- Cube root
- Cubing
- Cubiod
- Cucumber
- Cuffs
- Culling
- Cultivation
- Cultural weed control
- Culture
- Cultured milk
- Cup
- Cupboard
- Curtain
- Custard
- Cut (with a knife)
- Cut (with scissors)
- Cutlery
- Cutting
- Cutting in ( cooking method)
- Cycling
- Cylinder
- Cytoplasm
- Damara
- Damping off
- Dangerous
- Darts
- Data
- Date
- Day
- DCPIP (VIT C test)
- Deaf
- Decay
- December
- Decimal
- Decimal fraction
- Decimal point
- Decomposer
- Decomposition
- Decomposition(maths)
- Deep frying
- Deforestation
- Degrees
- Dehorning
- Dehydration
- Denominator
- Dental decay
- Dentist
- Deoxygenated blood to the heart
- Desert
- Destructive
- Devote
- Diabetes
- Diagonal
- Diameter
- Diaphragm
- Diarrea
- Diary farming
- Dichotomous keys
- Dictionary
- Diet
- Dietary guide line
- Difficult
- Difusion
- Diningroom
- Dinner
- Dipping
- Directed number
- Director
- Dirty
- Disability insurance
- Disagree
- Discount
- Disease
- Dislike
- Ditches
- Divide
- Diving
- Division
- Do
- Docket
- Doctor
- Dog
- Dolphin
- Domestic animals
- Dominant gene
- Don't know
- Dongas
- Door
- Dosing
- Dough
- Down
- Down syndrome
- Drainage
- Draw
- Draw (drawer in a desk)
- Draw (picture)
- Dried fish
- Drink
- Drives
- Drought
- Drugs
- Dry cough
- Dry heatmethod
- Dry sows
- Duck
- Durability
- Dyeing
- E- mail
- Ear
- Easy
- Eat
- Ecology
- Ecosystem
- Ectothermic animals
- Egg
- Egg white
- Ejaculate
- Electricity
- Elephant
- Email address
- Embroidery
- Embryo
- Emergency
- Employment
- Empy nest family
- Emulsion
- Enamel work surface
- Enclosed grazing system
- Endothermic animals
- Endowment policy
- Enemy
- Energy
- Energy flow
- Engineer
- English
- Enjoy
- Enter
- Entrance
- Environment
- Enzymes
- Epicotyls
- Epidemic
- Escort
- Ethanol test
- Euphorbia
- Evening
- Evolution
- Examine
- Excretion
- Exile
- Expected yield
- Expenditure
- Expired air
- Explosion
- Extended family
- Extensive grazing
- Eye
- Eyebrows
- Eyelashes
- Fabric contruction
- Faeces
- Fall
- Fallopian tube
- Family
- Family planning
- Farm
- Farm budgeting
- Farm records
- Farm yard
- Farming enterprise
- Fashion
- Fashion and fabric
- Fashion fad
- Fashion trend
- Fast
- Fastening
- Fastenings: velcro
- Fat
- Father
- Fats
- Fax
- Feathers
- February
- Feel
- Female
- Femidom
- Femur
- Fence
- Fence construction
- Fencing
- Fencing post
- Fertilization
- Fertilizer
- Fever
- Fibre
- Fight
- File
- Fillet
- Filtration
- Fin
- Financial transaction
- Fine
- Fingers
- Finish
- Fire
- Fish
- Fish External Anatomy
- Fish hooks
- Fish lice
- Fish line traps
- Fish nets
- Fish production
- Fish products
- Flame
- Flame proof
- Flat
- Flat worms
- Floating fish pellets
- Flood
- Floor
- Floppy disk
- Flour
- Flower
- Fly
- Fly stitch
- Foal
- Foetus
- Fold
- Folder
- Food
- Food aditives
- Food care
- Food chain
- Food combination
- Food discolouration
- Food groups
- Food poisoning
- Food preparation
- Food sources
- Food spoillage
- Food web
- Forehead
- Forest
- Forget
- Freckles
- French seams
- Fresh milk
- Fresh water fish
- Friday
- Fried eggs
- Friend
- Frightened
- Frog
- Frozen
- Frozen fish
- Fruit
- Fungal disease
- Fungi
- Furniture
- Gall bladder
- Galvanised iron pipe
- Garage
- Garden
- Garden fork
- Garden pest
- Garlic
- Garnish
- Gas
- Gaseous exchange
- Gases
- Gathers
- Gender roles
- General kitchen hygiene
- Genes
- Genetic engineering
- Genetics
- Genitals
- Germany
- Germinate
- Germs
- Gestation
- Gill flukes
- Gills
- Ginger
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Give
- Give me
- Glacier
- Glands
- Glaze
- Global warming
- Glorify
- Gloves
- Glue
- Go
- Goals
- Goat
- God
- Gold
- Goldfish
- Golf
- Gonorrhea
- Good
- Good afternoon
- Good morning
- Government
- Grandmother
- Grapes
- Grass
- Grating
- Graze
- Grazing control
- Grease food
- Green
- Green house effect
- Green pepper
- Grey
- Grooming
- Gross income
- Gross margin
- Ground water
- Groundnuts rosette virus
- Grow
- Guard cell
- Guava
- Guilty
- Gymnastics
- Habitat
- Haemoglobin
- Hail stones
- Hair
- Hair-brush
- Haircut
- Haiti
- Half
- Hall
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handbag
- Handball
- Handkerchief
- Handsome
- Happen
- Happy
- Hard
- Hard drive
- Hard floor
- Hardap
- Harrow
- Harvest
- Harvesting machine
- Hat
- Hatch
- Hatching eggs
- Hate
- Have
- Hay
- He
- Head
- Headache
- Healthy
- Healthy diet
- Healthy lifestyle
- Hear
- Hearing
- Hearing aid
- Heart
- Heart attack
- Heaven
- Heavy
- Heel
- Helicopter
- Hello
- Helmet
- Help
- Help/assist
- Hen
- Herbicides
- Herbivore
- Hereditary disease
- Herero
- Heroes day
- Herring bone
- Hibernate
- Hick
- High density housing type
- High energy value food
- High illumnation
- Hill
- Hip
- Hippo
- Hippopotamus
- Hips
- History
- Hiv testing
- Hockey
- Hoe
- Holiday
- Holland
- Holy
- Home
- Home economic equipment
- Home economic utensils
- Home economics
- Homestead
- Homestead farming
- Honduras
- Honest
- Hong Kong
- Hook and eye
- Horizontal
- Horizontal axes
- Horn
- Horse
- Hospital
- Hostel
- Hostel matron
- Hot (taste)
- Hotdog
- Hotel
- Hour
- Hourglass appare fitting
- House
- House need
- Household earning
- Household water supply
- How
- How many
- How much
- How old
- Hug
- Human
- Human body
- Human inheritance
- Human reproduction
- Human rights
- Human sexuality
- Humerus
- Humus
- Hungary
- Hungry
- Hunting
- Hurt,injure
- Husband
- Hut
- Ice cube
- Ice-cream
- Iceland
- Ideas
- Identical
- Ignore
- Ileum
- Illegal
- Image
- Immune system
- Immunization
- Implantation
- Implements
- Impossible
- In
- Inbreeding
- Income
- Incubation period
- Incubator
- Independence day
- Indigenous
- Indigo
- Individual
- Infections
- Infertility
- Infiltration
- Informante
- Infrared radiation
- Inherited
- Injury
- INNER CORE( earth structure)
- Inogarnic fertilizer
- Inorganic
- Insect
- Insecticide
- Inside
- Inspector
- Installment sele
- Institute
- Insurance
- Intensive grazing
- Intepreter
- Interior materials
- Internet
- Intestines
- Inverted triangle appare fitting
- Investigation
- Iron
- Irrigated land
- Italic
- Laboratory
- Labour act
- Labour law
- Lactating sow
- Ladder
- Lamp/light
- Language
- Laos
- Laptop
- Large bust
- Later
- Lateral line
- Lativa
- Laugh
- Law
- Lawyer
- Lay buy
- Lazy
- Leaching
- Leader
- Leaf
- Leaf miner
- Learn
- Learner
- Learning
- Leave
- Lebanon
- Left overs
- Left ventricle
- Leg
- Legal / law
- Legal and organised dumping
- Legally
- Legs
- Lemon
- Leopard
- Lesbian
- Lesotho
- Less
- Letter
- Letterhead
- Lettuce
- Liberation
- Library
- Libya
- Licence
- Licks
- Lie,false
- Liechtenstein
- Life
- Life cycle
- Life insurance
- Life science
- Ligaments
- Light
- Light (weight)
- Lightining lillumination
- Lightning
- Like
- Lilac
- Line up, queue
- Linen
- Linguistics
- Lion
- Lioness
- Lips
- Lipstick
- Liquid
- List
- Listen
- Listening skills
- Lithuania
- Litter
- Liver
- Livestock browsing
- Livestock nutrition
- Living organism
- Loamy soil
- Lock
- Lonely
- Lounge
- Love
- Low density housing type
- Low illumination
- Lubricate
- Lung cancer
- Lungs
- Lymphocytes
- Macaroni
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Mad
- Madagascar
- Madam
- Magazine
- Magistrate
- Magnet
- Magnification
- Mahangu
- Mahangu container
- Maize
- Maize dwarf mosaic
- Maize streak virus
- Make
- Malaria
- Malaria transmission circle
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Male
- Mali
- Malnutrition
- Malta
- Mammals
- Man
- Management
- Manager
- Mango
- MANTEL (earth structure)
- Manure
- Marasmus
- March
- Masturbation
- Mathematics
- Mauve
- May
- Maybe
- Mayonnaise
- Mayor
- Me
- Mealie
- Mealy bugs
- Measure height
- Measuring ingredients
- Meat
- Meat extender
- Meat substitute
- Mechanical weed control
- Medal
- Medicine
- Medium density housing type
- Medium illumination
- Meerkat
- Meiosis
- Melamine work surface
- Melon
- Memory
- Menopause
- Menstrual cycle
- Menstruation
- Merge
- Mesosphere
- Metacarpal
- Metal
- Metatarsal
- Methane
- Mexican
- Micro organism
- Microsoft excell
- Microsoft power point
- Microsoft word
- Microwave oven
- Midday
- Midnight
- Mighty
- Migration
- Milk
- Milk preservation
- Milking machine
- Millipede
- Minerals
- Mini skirt
- Minimum temperature
- Minister
- Minus
- Minute
- Mission school
- Mitosis
- Modem
- Molecules
- Mollusc
- Monday
- Money
- Monitor
- Monkey
- Monocots
- Month
- More
- Morning
- Mother
- Motorbike
- Mouse
- Movement
- Multiply
- Murder
- Muscles
- Mushroom
- Muslin
- Mutation
- Name
- Namibia
- Nara
- Nasal cavity
- Natural fibres
- Natural resource
- Natural selection
- Naughty
- Nausea
- Near
- Neck
- Necklace
- Neighbour
- Nervous
- Net income
- Netherlands
- New era
- News
- Newspaper
- Next
- Nice
- Niece
- Nigeria
- Night
- Nine
- Ninety
- Nipple adaptors
- No
- Nomadic
- Non ruminant
- Non- biodegardable
- Non-renewable
- None
- Normal
- North
- North America
- Northern Ireland
- Norway
- Nose
- Nostrils
- Not
- Not yet
- Notebook
- Nothing
- November
- Now
- Nucleus
- Nudo
- Number
- Numbers
- Nurse
- Nutrients
- Nutrition
- Nutritional care
- Nylon
- Oath
- Obesity
- Obey
- Oblique photgraphs
- Observation
- Occupation
- Occupational therapist
- October
- Octopus
- Oesophagus
- Off
- Office
- Officer
- Ohangwena
- Oil
- Ok
- Okahandja
- Old
- Olympic torch
- Olympics
- Omaheke
- Omelette
- Omnivore
- Omusati
- On
- On light
- Ongulumbashe
- Onion
- Open account
- Openings
- Opportunity
- Oppose
- Opposite
- Orange
- Oranjemund
- Orchards
- Order
- Organic
- Organic fertilizer
- Organs
- Organsation/Association
- Organza
- Orphan
- Oshakati
- Oshana
- Oshikango
- Oshikoto
- Ostrich
- Otavi
- Otjiherero
- Otjiwarongo
- Otjozondjupa
- Our
- Out
- Outapi
- Outer core (earth structure)
- Outer core(earth crust)
- Outside
- Ovahimba
- Oval
- Ovary
- Ovawambo
- Oven
- Overcasting
- Ovulation
- Ovum
- Owl
- Own
- Oxygen
- Oxygenated blood
- Ozone layer
- Page setup
- Pain
- Paint
- Pair of scissors
- Pakistan
- Pancreas
- Panties
- Pantihose
- Pantry
- Paper
- Paragraphs
- Parasites
- Parent rock
- Parents
- Parrot
- Party
- Pasta
- Pastor
- Patch pocket
- Pathogens
- Patience
- Patient
- Pattern
- Paw paw
- Payment
- Peach
- Pear
- Pear apparel fitting
- Peas
- Pectoral fin
- Pedestal
- Peeling
- Pelagic
- Pelargic
- Pelts
- Pelvic fin
- Pen
- Pencil
- Penguin
- Penis
- Pension
- People
- Peristalsis
- Personal hygiene
- Pests
- Petals
- Phagocytosis
- Photomicrograph
- Photosynthesis
- Phototropism
- Physical science
- Physiotherapist
- Pick up
- Picture
- Pig
- Pigment
- Pillow
- Pilot
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Pituitary glad
- Placenta
- Plant
- Plant cell
- Plant life cycle
- Plantation
- Plasma
- Plate tectonics
- Platelets
- Play
- Playground
- Playroom
- Please
- Pleats
- Pockets
- Podium
- Poison
- Poland
- Police
- Police station
- Policeman
- Polio
- Pollination
- Pollution
- Population
- Porcupine
- Pork
- Porridge
- Porridge pap
- Postpartum care
- Pot roasting
- Potato
- Powder milk
- Praying mantis
- Precipitation
- Predator
- Prediction
- Prefect
- Pregnant
- Present (gift)
- Present (now)
- President
- Pressure
- Priest
- Primary consumer
- Principal
- Printer
- Prison / jail
- Problem
- Processed fruit
- Processed vegetables
- Producer
- Proof reading
- Prosecutor
- Prostate
- Protease
- Protein
- Puberty
- Pubic hair
- Pulmonary arteriole
- Pulmonary venule
- Pulse
- Punctuation
- Puppy
- Puree sauce
- Purple
- Pvc pipe
- Pyjamas
- Rabbit
- Radiation
- Radicle
- Radio-active substances
- Radius
- Raising agents
- Rake
- Rape
- Rational decision
- Read
- Ready made garments
- Reasoning
- Receive
- Recessive gene
- Recipe
- Recipe instructions
- Rectum
- Recycle
- Red
- Red water disease
- Reduce connect
- Refinement
- Reflex reaction
- Refrigerator
- Refugee camp
- Refuse removal
- Region
- Rehabilitation Officer
- Remember
- Report
- Representative
- Reproduce
- Reproduction
- Reproductive organs (plants)
- Reptiles
- Republikein
- Research
- Respect
- Respiration
- Respond
- Responsible
- Retirement annuity
- Retrieve document
- Rhino
- Rice
- Rich
- Right ventricle
- Ring
- Roman Catholic Church
- Roof trusses
- Room
- Rooster
- Root cotex
- Rotational grazing
- Rowing
- Rubbing in butter
- Rude
- Rugby
- Rules
- Ruminant
- Run
- Run and fell
- Running stitch
- Rural livelihood
- Sad
- Safety
- Sailing
- Salad
- Salad dressing
- Salination
- Saliva
- Salivary glands
- San (bushmen)
- Sandals
- Sandwich
- Sandy soil
- Sanforizing
- Satin
- Satin stitch
- Satisfy
- Saturday
- Saute
- Saving investment
- Scald
- Scale insects
- Scales
- Scambled eggs
- Scanner
- Scar
- Scared
- Scarf
- Scarlet
- School
- School-bag
- Schoolboard
- Scientific process
- Scientific research
- Scientist
- Scorpion
- Scullery
- Seal
- Seams
- Secondary consumer
- Secretary
- See
- Seed
- Seed germination
- Seedling
- Self image
- September
- Service
- Serving food
- Settling water treatment
- Sew (with machine)
- Sewing (with hand)
- Shallow frying
- Shanties
- Shark
- Sharpener
- She
- Sheep
- Shepherds
- Shifting cultivation
- Shirt
- Shoes
- Shooting
- Shopping list
- Short
- Shoulder yoke
- Show
- Shredding
- Shy
- Sick
- Sift
- Sight typing
- Sign language
- Signwiki
- Silage
- Silk
- Silo
- Silver
- Simmer
- Sing
- Single family
- Single grain structure
- Sinking fish pellet
- Sister
- Sit
- Skeleton
- Skimmimg
- Skull
- Sky
- Sleep
- Sleeves
- Slicing
- Slip hemming
- Slippers
- Slow
- Small
- Small intestine
- Smart
- Smartperson
- Smile
- Snack
- Snail
- Snake
- Socialisation
- Society
- Socks
- Soft
- Soft coverings
- Soft Hearted
- Soft rot
- Soil erosion
- Soil exhaustion
- Soil pest
- Soil pollution
- Solar radiation
- Soldier
- Sometime
- Sorghum
- Sorry
- South Africa
- Southern times
- Spade
- Speech therapist
- Spell check
- Sperm
- Spider
- Spine
- Spinning
- Spleen enlargement
- Sprayers
- Springbok
- Stab
- Stainless steel worksurface
- Stalk borers
- Stand
- Standards
- Staple food
- Starvation
- STD ( Sexually Transmitted Disease)
- Steal
- Steaming
- Stem stitch
- Step family
- Sterilization
- Sterum
- Stevenson screen
- Stewing
- Stick
- Stir frying
- Stirring
- Stomach
- Stop
- Stove
- Strainer
- Stranger
- Stratosphere
- Strawberry
- Stress
- Strict
- String
- Strong
- Stubborn
- Stuck
- Student
- Studs
- Study
- Stuffing
- Stupid
- Subsistence farming
- Subtraction (minus)
- Sucking pests
- Sugar
- Sunday
- Sunglasses
- Superintendent
- Support
- Surgeon
- Sustainable
- Swamps
- Swapo
- Sweet
- Sweetperson
- Sweets
- Swim
- Swimming
- Swimming pool
- Swing
- Symptoms
- Synoptic weather maps
- Synthetic fibres
- Syphilis
- T piece connector
- Table
- Table manners
- Table tennis
- Tabulation
- Tackies
- Taekwando
- Tailor tacking
- Take
- Tall
- Tanzania
- Taxi driver
- Taxonomist
- Taxonomy
- TB
- Tea
- Tea time
- Teach
- Teacher
- Team
- Teenager
- Teeth
- Telephone
- Television presenter
- Television/TV
- Temperature
- Tendons
- Tennis
- Tent
- Tertiary consumer
- Test
- Testes
- Textbook
- Thank you
- The confidante
- The namibian
- The observer
- The same
- The sun
- The villager
- Thermometer
- They
- Thief
- Thigh
- Thin
- Think
- Thinning
- Throne
- Throw
- Thrush
- Thursday
- Tie
- Tiger
- Tillage
- Time
- Tired
- Tissue
- Toaster
- Tobacco abuse
- Tobacco mosaic virus
- Toddler
- Toes
- Toilet
- Tomato
- Tongue
- Tooth-brush
- Top stitching
- Tortoise
- Total
- Touch typing
- Towel
- Towelling
- Town
- Toxic waste
- Tracksuit
- Traditional medicine
- Traffic
- Trailer
- Train
- Transpiration
- Transport
- Travel
- Tree
- Trophic levels
- Troposphere
- Trousers
- Trussing
- Tucks
- Tuesday
- Turgor pressure
- Turquoise
- Turtle
- Twill
- Typical amylase
- Vaccination
- Vaccine
- Vacuum cleaner
- Vagina
- Valley
- Values
- Valve
- Vasoconstriction
- Vasodilation
- Vegetables
- Veins
- Velcro
- Veld fire
- Venison
- Ventricle
- Vertebrates
- Vertical
- Very good
- Veterinary
- Veterinary services
- Vice grip
- Vinyl
- Violence
- Violet
- Virus
- Viscose
- Visit
- Vitamins
- Volley ball
- Volleyball
- Vomit
- Vulva
- Waiter
- Waitress
- Walk
- Wall cares
- Want
- Warp
- Warthog
- Washing clothes
- Washing machine
- Washing powder
- Waste
- Waste disposal
- Watch
- Water
- Water cycle
- Water drainage
- Water fall
- Water filtration
- Water installation
- Water molecules
- Water pollution
- Water pond
- Water pump
- Water purification
- Water repellent
- Water Well
- Watermelon
- We
- Weak
- Weaning
- Wear
- Weather
- Weather barometer
- Weave
- Wedding
- Wednesday
- Weed control
- Weeding
- Week
- Weekend
- Weevils
- Weft
- Weight
- Weightlifting
- Welcome
- Welding
- Welwitchia
- West
- Wet
- Whale
- What
- Whatever
- Wheat
- Wheelchair
- When
- Where
- Which
- Whisking
- Whistle
- White
- White (skin colour)
- Who
- Why
- Wide
- Wide hips
- Wife
- Wildebeest
- Will
- Win
- Wind
- Windbreak
- Windhoek
- Window
- Windy
- Wine
- Wing
- Wink
- Winter
- Wisdom
- Wish
- Witchcraft, witchdoctor
- With
- Withdraw
- Without
- Witness
- Woman
- Won't
- Wood
- Wood work surface
- Wooden floor reprace hard floor
- Wool
- Word
- Work
- Work surface
- World
- Worm
- Worry
- Wow
- Write
- Wrong