Difference between revisions of "Handshapes in Namibian Sign Language"

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Line 7: Line 7:
[[Image:3.PNG|x75px|link=Category:3 handshape]]
[[Image:3.PNG|x75px|link=Category:3 handshape]]
'''3 handform'''
'''3 handshape'''
[[Image:4.PNG|x75px|link=Category:4 handshape]]
[[Image:4.PNG|x75px|link=Category:4 handshape]]

Revision as of 17:02, 24 February 2012

1.png 1 handform

2.PNG 2 handform (ekki L handform)

3.PNG 3 handshape

4.PNG 4 handform

5.PNG 5 handform

6.PNG 6 handform (Ekki M eða W handform)

7.PNG 7 handform

Ahandform.JPG A handshape

Bhandform.JPG B handform

B handform bent.jpg B handform bogið

B handform closed.jpg B handform lokað (ekki Gogg handform)

Chandform.JPG C handform

Dhandform.JPG D handform

Ehandform.JPG E handform

Fhandform.JPG F handform

Handform g.PNG G handform

Hhandform.JPG H handform

H handform bogið.jpg H handform bogið

Ihandform.JPG I handform

Khandform.JPG K handform

Ohandform.JPG O handform

Handform p.PNG P handform

Qhandform.JPG Q handform

Rhandform.JPG R handform

Vhandform.JPG V handform

V handform, bogið.jpg V handform bogið

Visihandform.JPG Vísi handform

Vísi handform bent.jpg Vísi handform bogið

Vísi handform closed.jpg Index handshape closed

Yhandform.JPG Y handform

Æhandform.JPG Æ handform